Create Your Historical Temperature Blanket, Scarf, Snake, . . .

Weather you crochet, knit, embroider, or cross-stitch, find all the temeperatures for a specific city and year, then use the color palette generator to plan out your beautiful and unique visualization.

Want to use a medium other than fiber? Do it. The sky's the limit!

I'd love to see what you make. Please tag me on Bluesky or Twitter @shelleymcqDev.

Get Started

yarn and equipment at the ready

Temperature by Year

Data provided by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Climate Data API.

Please note that it may take a few moments for the table to update.

DateHigh Temperature in F

Palette Planner

This feature is under contruction.

You can pick colors from the color selector on the left by dragging one of the circles to any color you like.

You can customize your palette to the right.

Current Color


click to enter custom temperature range

click in box to save current color









